



The getIndexAssetData endpoint provides detailed information about various pools, including their Total Value Locked (TVL), Annual Percentage Yield (APY), and other relevant metrics.

Response Format

The response is a JSON object where each key represents a pool. The key is an index number (e.g., "0", "1"), and the value is an object containing details about that specific pool.

Response Fields

For each pool, the following fields are provided:

  • coin_type: String. The unique identifier of the coin type.

  • total_supply: String. The total supply in the pool.

  • total_borrow: String. The total amount borrowed from the pool.

  • price: String. The current price of the coin.

  • supply_rate: String. The interest rate for supplying to the pool.

  • borrow_rate: String. The interest rate for borrowing from the pool.

  • boosted: String. The total interest rate including rewards for supplying to the pool.

  • pool: String. The name of the pool.

  • symbol: String. The symbol of the coin.

  • rewardTokens: Array of Strings. The tokens rewarded for participating in the pool.

  • borrow_reward_apy: String. The Annual Percentage Yield earned from rewards for borrowing from the pool.

Example Response

  "0": {
    "coin_type": "0x2::sui::SUI",
    "total_supply": "15218946.22537205",
    "total_borrow": "7399680.06368454",
    "price": "0.61643080",
    "supply_rate": "2.26138314",
    "borrow_rate": "5.73513886",
    "boosted": "14.24511447",
    "pool": "SUI-Sui",
    "symbol": "SUI",
    "rewardTokens": ["0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002::sui::SUI"],
    "borrow_reward_apy": "3.25532472"
  // Additional pool objects...

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