1️Getting Started


To interact with the NAVI SDK, we recommend installing it via npm:

npm i --save navi-sdk

Tip: Always use environment variables to import your mnemonic securely.

Install dotenv to manage environment variables:

npm i dotenv

Then, configure it and set up NAVISDKClient in your code:

import dotenv from 'dotenv';

const mnemonic = process.env.mnemonic || ""; 
// Use an existing mnemonic or leave empty to generate a new one
const client = new NAVISDKClient({
  networkType: "mainnet" || rpc, 
  numberOfAccounts: 5
const account = client.accounts[0];

Quick Start

We’ve prepared starter code for sending multiple tokens to multiple addresses using a CSV file, designed to help NAVI SDK beginners get up and running quickly

Last updated